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Student Worker Handbook: Reference

What you need to know to excel as a library assistant

Reference or Not?

There will be plenty of times on the job when you are asked questions that you are perfectly capable of answering yourself without involving other library staff.  There is no need to ask a librarian about:

  • Directions to buildings/offices on campus
  • Library hours
  • Phone extensions
  • Do you have this book...?
  • General circulation policies (loan period, renewals, etc.)
  • Any other general types of questions

If you can't answer a question, please find one of the librarians so we can help, but also find out the answer for yourself so you can answer the question in the future. 

Reference questions should always be directed to a librarian.  Please do not attempt to provide reference assistance on your own.  Reference requests could be like the following:

  • I need sources both for and against abortion.
  • I am an online student and am unable to access the online library resources.
  • I need help narrowing my research topic.
  • What resources would you recommend that I use for researching a company?
  • I need some articles on the effects of mainstreaming gifted and talented students.


Tracking Questions

We track ALL questions in LibAnswers.  Please be sure that you are entering questions in the computer.  It doesn't take long and is easy if you do it as soon as you are done answering the question. We track questions as part of the SACCS accreditation for the University and it is very important.