Assisting patrons at the desk
Checking materials in and out
Shelving books and DVDs
Helping patrons find resources in print and online
Keeping the library spaces tidy and clean
Assisting students with printing and copying
Answering the phone
Tracking questions answered and patrons counted
Good customer service skills
Detail oriented
Servant minded
Team worker
Daytime and evening hours are required
You could be scheduled anytime between 7:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Your supervisor will be assigning schedules, signing timesheets, and directing responsibilities. However, remember that you work for the entire library staff. You should treat all library staff members as your boss.
If you see something that needs to be done, do it. If you have ideas on how something can be done more effectively, talk to a staff member. We encourage you to use your gifts and talents to improve library services.
Keep patron information confidential. Do not share who has checked out an item. Other personal information in a patron’s record is private as well. You may not access patron records to look up a phone number, e-mail, or address.
The library staff functions as a team, does whatever is needed, and helps each other out. The same is expected of student workers – help each other and help the full-time staff.