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Student Worker Handbook: Phones

What you need to know to excel as a library assistant

Reference Questions

Calls for assistance with research projects should be transferred to a librarian.

For additional information regarding reference questions, see the "Reference" tab.

When in doubt...

Ask the person to hold and locate a staff member.  

Provide the level of customer service that you expect when you are dealing with an organization or business.

Answering the Phone

Always answer the phone in a professional manner using an appropriate greeting, such as Rickman Library, this is ..., or Rickman Library, How may I help you? 

Transferring Calls

To transfer a call:

  • Push the transfer button on the phone (an arrow to people)
  • Dial the extension to which you wish to transfer
  • Hang up 

Cell Phone Use

Personal calls should not be made during your shift, unless it is an emergency.  Cell phones should be turned off or set to vibrate while working, and texting should be avoided. Do not watch videos at the desk.

Departmental Extensions

A list of campus departmental extensions is located in the green information box at the front desk.

The most frequent requests are:

Academic Records       5532

Admissions                   5570

Financial Aid                5556

IT Help Desk                5050

Student Accounts         5523

Campus Safety             5121


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