PASCAL Delivers is a state-wide book delivery system. Students request books through OneSearch, and they are delivered here free of charge.
PASCAL books need to be checked in and out of the circulation system, just like our books. When a patron comes to pick up a book:
FedEx Driver
If you are on duty when the FedEx driver comes, direct him to any outgoing packages and receive any incoming packages. Sign as requested. Take incoming PASCAL items to a librarian for processing.
For more information about PASCAL (Partnership Among SC Academic Libraries), visit their website.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is used to obtain items not available through PASCAL Delivers. This service generally takes longer because items must be mailed from out-of-state. Articles are usually delivered electronically and usually arrive within 1 to 3 days.
ILL items do NOT need to be checked out to the patron. We track ILL books in a separate system, so all they need to do is pick up the item. If a patron would like to request a renewal on an ILL item, direct him/her to contact a library staff member. Renewals must be requested through the lending institution.
Questions regarding ILL should be directed to the library staff. Returned ILL materials go directly a librarian's office.
For additional information on ILL services, visit the ILL LibGuide.