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Student Worker Handbook: Clayton Room

What you need to know to excel as a library assistant

Faith Clayton Genealogy Room

Anne Sheriff maintains the Faith Clayton Genealogy Room and assists users with research.  She is a volunteer and keeps irregular hours, but she is often here on Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  The room is located on the lower level of the building; the key is in the file folder drawer.


Phone: 644-5088 (Clayton Room) or 888-7387 (Anne)

Hours: The room is available any time the library is open.


Faith Clayton Genealogy Room

For background and general information about the Clayton Room, click here.


Visitors frequently come to Rickman Library to use the Clayton Collection.  When someone approaches the desk and asks about the Clayton Room, ask if he/she has visited the room before.  If so, have them sign the sheet in the file drawer and give them the key. 

If they have not visited the room before, take the key, and walk them down to the room yourself (or, ask another staff member to do so if you are alone at the desk).  Also, ask if they prefer to use the elevator or the stairs.  Some visitors are elderly and cannot easily use the stairs. Keep the key with you.